Sunday, February 10, 2013

Amber Gypsies, watch Fringe Season 5 Episode 1

I love the pictures that I didn't use last time

 Don't be afraid. I mean you no harm…

 Have already added some pictures this morning. It's about 9 o'clock and I'm watching fringe drinking coffee, blog and… Blog... blogging it… Dare/there I got it out.
 We had a bit of weather here ourselves. Notice the chair knocked over. Upper right-hand corner of the screen.
 I took this picture from the balcony, after I took a picture of the chair. Although I have been moderate in my vices this weekend, without head here. I have allowed myself one vice. The package of Marlboro 72's. What I don't smoke I'll give to a guy at work. I'm not looking for a habit, just a good time. My thumbnail is yellow because I had cheese popcorn before going to bed...which explains the color of my dick! Thought I had jaundice when I woke up.

Speaking of yellow... I lied. When head is a way, I have another vice. I don't flush or put the seat down. If it's brown flush it down. If it's yellow let it mellow.
 Pinty enjoying the view.  Must seem like ten stories up to a fella his size.

It looks like Head is having a good time... But I'm disappointed, I expected pictures of pillow fights with only their panties on. I thought she was kidding when she said they weren't going to wear make-up!?!

Make up couldn't help this face.  When your my age it's called 'character'.

A different kind of 'character'. Don't judge me.

I studies with Dean until Ten, straight through.  We didn't shed any tears, and had quite a few laughs, but most importantly, we covered five chapters of Biology, albet lightly.
I am tired. I am going to go get tween tha sheets. No Boots to the moon tonight.

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