Thursday, November 15, 2012


Howdy, Pardner!

The title is the of the horror movie I watched last night.  It was pretty damn good.

It's ten o'clock and I'm in my Tower.  I have another horror movie playing and the blog up.  I have a liter of cold water to wash down the pumpkin bread Head just made.  I like mine with butter.  The boys like cream cheese on theirs.  H made the bread for her work, they are having a Thanksgiving pot luck tomorrow.  Let me get a picture of that bread up here:


Notice the coffee crap in the background.  I am not a coffee snob.  My oldest is.  He has his beans shipped in.  right now he is enjoying Ethiopian.  It has a grassy flavor.  He also likes Argentinian   It has a ...hell, I don't know.  I buy grocery store brand.  Not that I can't tell the difference.  I just don't give a shit.  He has four or five different contraptions for making the coffee.  Each one has a different grind, hence the grinder in the background   He also has a scale for weighing it out.  He does make a mean cup of joe. Too late to have any with the pumpkin bread. Not if you want to sleep anytime tonight.

I took pictures of our dinner for you.  I found some great rolls last night and some big hamburger patties at the store and I knew what was for dinner. Head doesn't like burgers all that much.  I baked some potatoes for her.  She likes her's with broccoli and lots of cheese.  Anywho...let me take you through dinner.

This is my youngest making his. The lettuce.  The tomatoes.  The mustard.  The salad dressing.

Here's a quick shot of the eldest's.  He doesn't tolerate my bullshit pictures.  He's a lot like me, not much for the bullshit.  I bet you didn't know the only one class I failed in school?  Recess. Would you believe it?  It's because I don't PLAY!

 The youngest and me wanted two patties.  Notice the grilled onions.

 And he put catsup on to finish it off.

 Here we go.  My creation.  Grill the bun.

 Salad dressing and sombol pepper paste.

 The first patty with american cheese.

 The second patty with Swiss.

 The rest of the grilled onions.

 And a fried egg on top.

 Then mustard, catsup, and sarachi. I like it spicy.  I grilled the meat with lots of red pepper. The hotter the better.  I bet you don't remember the Chicken Oil Company in College station.  They had something they called the Death Burger.  I still crave those things.

 Lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and jalapenos.

 Here it is all put together.  Nasty, right?

The beer is a prop.  I bought it to share at the home-brew club.  We didn't get to it.  There was a keg and the speaker brought three kinds for us to try.  I actually put it back in the 'frige.  I haven't had much of a taste for alcohol since the Halloween party.  I'll share those pics tomorrow.  I had a nasty hangover.

I couldn't eat it all.  But I really enjoyed trying. 

We watched the Spurs loose to the Knicks as a family.  My oldest and I pitched in for the NBA pass.  We don't  get cable.  We live off the grid.  We watch our computers, rent movies, use the antenna   We have a Roku box for the TV in the living room, that is where Head and her little dog spend their time.  It is like a mini computer that allows you to stream Netflix and  stuff like that.  We have Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.  Tons of stuff to watch.  We don't miss cable or satellite at all.  And we save about a hundred and a half a month.

I told you I read the Tao in the morning.  It really puts my head in the right place for work. Today was chapter 23.

To talk little is natural.
High winds do not last all morning.
Heavy rain does not last all day.
Why is this? Heaven and Earth!
If heaven and Earth cannot make things eternal,
How is it possible for man?
He who follows the Tao
Is at one with the Tao.
He who is virtuous
Experiences Virtue.
He who loses the way
Is lost.
When you are at one with the Tao,
The Tao welcomes you.
When you are at one with Virtue,
The Virtue is always there.
When you are at one with loss,
The loss is experienced willingly.

He who does not trust enough
Will not be trusted.

John, your a quite person.  Compared to me your a mute.  This passage says that it is better to be stingy with one's words.  I memorized the line about 'high winds do not last all morning', just in case anyone asked me why I was unusually quite at work. Get it, you can't talk all the time, no more than the wind and rain can last very long. No one did, ask me that is.  I'll get into what the atmosphere is like at word some other time.  Sufficient to say, I like that it's a serious place.  I can put on my 'angry young man'-face and keep to my self.  Other than the interruptions every five minutes.  Like I said, I'll get into that some other time.  We had a birthday cake today and the guy had to bring his own.  Actually, someone made it for him and he wanted to share.  We didn't sing happy birthday or anything.  It's a cold place.  The cake was great.  Chocolate with raspberry jam filling.  The icing was like eating buttery sugar.  And it was decorated really cool.

Okay, that's it for tonight. I want to draw some before I fall asleep.  This is late for me, ten forty five.

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