Why is the human skull as dense as it is? Nowadays we can send a message around the world in one-seventh of a second, but it takes years to drive an idea through a quarter-inch of human skull.
Yep. Our friend Chuck Kettering.

Head is reaching out to you. You should think about what she is proposing. Everyone needs a rest. You, my friend, need a rest and a new start.

Walk the fuck away and start over.
Leave it.
Leave it and don't look back.

We have started over and over and over, its how things progress. We are lucky enough to have each other for company but it's the same for every swinging dick and tits on this planet.
Your can certainly justify making the change. The life you have is literally killing you. Okay, okay already. Let that life die. But you don't have to die with it. You can become something new. I'll wrap you in a blanket and we can have a re-birthing. I will use some forceps and pull you out of Mother Nature's vaggie.
Change your name. Ocho Cinco is available ( but Meta World Peace is taken, unfortunately...unfortunately for the guy named Meta World Peace).

If your bucket is full of shit, empty it and start filling it with new shit. Mmmm...angle shit!

We can feed you and give you a place to stay. We have four vehicles so there is always one available You can get a doctor here and start healing. Eventually get some part time work. Let life unfold as it may. If it doesn't work, we'll buy you a ticket back and you can fight the battle your obviously loosing, at least you will have you batteries charged up.

This is my fav kind of beer right now. Delish! Lets drink two for fifty on my back porch, or on the balcony, or at the kitchen table...

It's a hard old world....and then you die. But that will come soon enough without your help. In the state your in, you'd fuck that up too. But you have so much more than most. You have skills and a brain if you don't let it eat itself.

I think it would be kind of cool to start over again. Recreate yourself in the image you see yourself as always wanting to be. I would like to be a cowboy. Have you had a pair of boots since you left Texas? Bet not. We can get you a pair with pointy toes. They are great for climbing chain link fences. You better get here now, there is a movement to succeed, let Porto Rico take our place.

I feel the stress. I have to do a lot of self soothing to make up for it. I take walks. I read. I watch my horror movies. I write. I draw. You can start some hobbies of your own. Make model cars. Knit. Do yoga. But not pilates I won't tolerate pilates in my home. I have a scooter in the garage, get a motorcycle license and explore Arlington Texas on five dollars worth of gas.

Just be, mother fucker.
Just be.

My granny use to say, sometimes I's sits and thinks,...and sometimes I jus' sits.
Take a load off. Unclench those buttocks and smile with both sets of cheeks.

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