Monday, November 26, 2012


An ex-CIA hitman and a scientist team up to prevent crimes before they happen.

Best put in the album cover next:

I have lots and lots and lots of pictures from the Thanksgiving trip.

It started off sucking.  We didn't even make it out of town before I pissed everybody off.  Fair enough, they pissed me off too.  The youngest wasn't even trying to hear what I was trying to show him about algebra.  So, I put my headphones on and zoned off.  I read, slept, and gave everyone just what they deserved: the silent treatment!

We got to my folks, that was on Thanksgiving morning, and cooked and ate and cooked some more and ate some more. Here's what it looked like:

If you give the dog some turkey, he'll go away...NOT!

My mother actually made instant mashed potatoes.  Just becasue my Grandmother did, but man, that lady made them taste like angel poop.

There's Mom and the youngest. Putting out some cheese and crackers for us rats.

Watch out, she's got a weapon.  No, its just part of my tripod.  This is my three year old niece  She is a cutie.

wold you believe she came from this guy? Meet my brother, twelve years my junior.

This is my oldest. Working on a neck beard like his uncle.

And this is my other niece. Also a cutie. She is working her tongue over a tooth that is coming in.

The youngest and my mom made these cherry tarts with a pecan and cream cheese crust. And then, he made some guacamole. This is him sampling his work.

So, we milled around and ate snacks before dinner.

More milling....

Still milling...

And here's the meal....

 Yes sir, that's pickled okra...

 I channel my grandmother to make this stuffing.  She passed the recipe on to me. I bake the biscuits and cornbread and boil a chicken and eggs one night. Then the next night, I put it all together.  The key is to make it runny, not thick.  It needs to be pour-able the baked to harden up. Delish!

 My bro baked break and made homemade ice cream for desert.

I love the green bean and durkee onion casserole. Love it!

Just the carcass  was left.

 Dig my pharaoh beard!

Tomorrow, I'll take you to San Antonio.

Okay, time for the TAO:

Know the male,
yet keep to the female:
receive the world in your arms.
If you receive the world,
the Tao will never leave you
and you will be like a little child.
Know the white,
yet keep to the black:
be a pattern for the world.
If you are a pattern for the world,
the Tao will be strong inside you
and there will be nothing
      you can't do.
Know the personal
yet keep to the impersonal;
accept the world as it is.
If you accept the world,
the Tao will be luminous inside you
and you will return to your primal self.
The world is formed from the void,
like utensils from a block of wood.
The Master knows the utensils
yet keeps to the block:
thus she can use all things.

Chapter 28 is about know that there is two sides to every story. There is the male, the outgoing, and the female, the introspective.  Both are important. The white/easily noticed and the black/hidden. The TAO says that to be simple, to be plain is far better than being loud and proud because...becasue we can adapt easily to be the 'tool' that is right for the situation.

Take it easy my friend.

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