Monday, November 19, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods (again)

My youngest forgot to take the movie back to the Red Box.  He took the others, but I didn't put it in his trucking hand. Hey, forgive like you want to be forgiven. Just let it go.  Breath in.  Breath out.

I wonder what kind of trouble I'll get into taking pictures off other sites. Man, the internet should be free and open.
Net neutrality.
Net neutrality.
Net Neutrality.

The family is all doing their own thing tonight.  The youngest is playing rock band.  I had the patience to watch him play one song.
Head is doing her social network thing.  She sits in front of the TV in the living room watching XFactor (who decided Cleo Green is a talent).  She has her laptop going. Doing her Facebook thing.  I don't have a Facebook account. I will when I hare a business and need to be 'connected'.  For now, I stay anonymous.
The eldest is streaming basketball on one screen and playing video soccer on the other. Its a new game every day for that boy.  He has hundreds of games.  He also has a job to pay fo rit.  He's there now stocking wine high as he can reach.

Hey! that bird looks like it's in that boy's hair.  Trick photography.

I am actually glad I get the chance to watch this movie again. I only had one eye on it last night.  It has lots going on.   Hard to catch it all witht two eyes.
Well, major technical failure.  The seven inch dvd player  in the lab, I had it hooked to another tv, a classic, one of those vcr/TV combos.  It died after, what, fifteen years.  Not to worry.  The good thing about cheap, cast off electronics is you usually have a back up.  I did.  But it didn't .  The backup didnt work either.  Now they are both in the trash. So I had to come upstairs to watch  the DVD in The Tower.  Hence, the opportunity to blog.

My head fucking hurts.  I bet it's caffeine deprivation.  Too late to get a cup of joe in me. I'll just suffer, but I refuse to suffer in silence.

Maybe I'm exaggerating. Sure, I'm exaggerating.

Let me ask the world something.
Do you read one book at a time?
I don't'.
I'm finding that is another thing I have in common with

Michel de Montaigne.

He didn't read an entire book.  He would read some of one.  Some out of another.  I use to be obsessive about reading one book and only one book until it was finished.  Then, one time I didn't and ....and nothing happened.  No punishment.  No thunder.  Just a tiny bit of lightening.  

It all started with technology.  First I had several ways to read.  computer, kindle, the rucking phone, and of course real books made out of paper.  I traded one of my old lap tops for a kindle.  Now I've collected over eight thousand kindle books.  I have at least that many in pdf form.  I have lots of textbooks.  How to books.  Comic books.  Business books   Self help books.  Forensic books.  and lots of fiction and non-fiction.  Magi zines.  Lots of magazines  Whole collections of magazines.  So I keep my kindle full, the computers full, and of course the phone is full..  I read constantly.  And when I'm not reading, I'm listening to a book on tape.  Hundreds of those.  I am like a sponge absorbing information constantly.  

Think of all the books, and on all the movies.  All the television series over the years, and their making new ones all the times.  If they ever made another movie, tv show, book, or album, you'd still never get through a fraction of it.  So I graze.  I graze until I find something I like and I gorge on it.  I binge on it.  And I find others like it and binge some more.  Its fucking amazing.  For every one I read, watch, or listen to, I learn about half a dozen more.

Who needs a library, I have the internet.  
And there is more stuff being created just on the internet. People are writing all kinds of shit, making YouTube videos. Did you know that you can learn how to do anything you want by watching some happy asshole on YouTube do a demo.  Camping.  Shooting buns. Repairing cars.  Making sprig rolls.  There is no trucking end to it.

I told you we don't  have cable or Dish. I like to wait until a series is over and watch the whole thing back to back.  I never watched the Wire when it was on.  I watched all five seasons on my IPOd waiting to testify in a court case.  I had a two hundred dollar a night hotel and I never turned on the big screen tv, I watched the IPod for a week.  Getting Two hundred bucks and hour, ...

And I don't buy new electronics. I buy them for my boys. I get the hand me downs.  Their old Ipod. Their out dated computer.  Their old smart phone. I don't need, or want, the latest or greatest   My eldest does.  Only the fastest, latest, ..and that's his thing. I'll take whats left.  I am of the old New England Mind set.  If it sinks make an anchor out of it.  If it floats make a bouye. Anybody can buy something. You have to use your noodle to make do.  Its the farmer n me.  Farmers never throw out anything and make duo with what they have.  You ever been to a working farm that didn't have a bunch of shit around?  You can't go running to Lowes for every part you might need.  And I know ore than one farmer with a lath who can make any trucking part he might need.   Self fucking sufficentcy (sic).

Giving it up to go read something.... anything. Everything.

Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 25
Something mysteriously formed,
Born before heaven and earth.
In the silence and the void,
Standing alone and unchanging,
Ever present and in motion.
Perhaps it is the mother of ten thousand things.
I do not know its name.
Call it Tao.
For lack of a better word, I call it great.

Being great, it flows.
It flows far away.
Having gone far, it returns.

Therefore, "Tao is great;
Heaven is great;
Earth is great;
The king is also great."
These are the four great powers of the universe,
And the king is one of them.

Man follows the earth.
Earth follows heaven.
Heaven follows the Tao.
Tao follows what is natural.


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