How did I spend MY Sunday?
Got up around a quarter ta seven. That is sleepin' in for me.
First thing, I grabbed a video out of the youngest's room and went down to the lab to watch it. The boy picked up a hand full from the Red Box last night when we made a grocery run. I wanted to catch 'Hunger Games' while I had a chance. I have been hanging out in The Tower aka guest bedroom. Yesterday I moved down to the lab. I like the lab. Makes me feel...clandestine. I don't make drugs there, I do mostly microbiology. I found some pictures of it. Love to share:
Imagine a two car garage. Just your standard two car garage. I have shelves on each side and a work bench along the back. All standard stuff. Standard. Standard. Standard.
Whats that? What a unique bookcase.
My, my...what a really nice bookcase. Looks handmade.
Hey! Where did it go? It ...why its a bookcase-door!
My, my...we have company.
There is my youngest working out some calculation or sum such. Notice the sink to his right?
Now, each file box is full of laboratory equipment. We haven't gotten to sorting it out so we did the next best thing. We did an inventory of each box and made a spread sheet. Anything we want, we just look at the list and go to the box to get it. Genius, if I must say so myself.
There is a computer on this side of the room. You can see a second sink. There is two.
The ice cream bucket has a crystal experiment in it. The ring stand has a pH probe.
I've collected quite a bit of equipment over the years. Notice the spectrophotometer below, on the right of the boy? I got most of it when I closed a lab that went broke. I gave some of the stuff to the University I was teaching at at the time. Anything I thought I could use, I kept.
If...make that when, I get fired, I'll use this equipment to make a living again. I have some inventions in mind. I'll get to them some day. Right now, I'm kind of busy. So the lab is my classroom for teaching the youngest. The eldest isn't interested. He studies business, economics to be exact. My father is an economist. Must be hereditary.
In this picture, I moved one of the computers and added a monitor. I picked up half a dozen small LED monitors at the rummage sale at the church up the street. The microscope is under the plastic. I have a really big scope in The Tower. I've earned a pretty good living reading slides for mold. Now, the youngest and myself are practicing our gram staining, looking at different bacteria.
Now, this is the other side of the room. I have another counter top. I have since replace the laptop with a couple of monitors on that other computer. I also put a television and DVD player in place of the fish tank. I have cameras inside and outside the lab to see who's coming...so I can bake them a cake.
What the hell! This is what fifty looks like.
I read, take naps, watch movies, sketch, and write down here. I hope use the fish tank to do some toxicity testing with minnows. Then use the minnows to try some small scale aquaponics. No, not dope. Tomatoes. They cost more than dope. I want a good tomato all year round.
That my lab!
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