Monday, November 5, 2012

Glad to hear you are enjoying the posts.  Good.  

I am going to go hunt through my pictures and see if I can find some inspiration:

 This is the window box above the kitchen sink. Festive, don't you think?  Washing pots still sucks.

 This is another picture of my 'battle station.  The dogs sit at my feet and bark at the neighbors when they walk past. I have to have multiple screens on the computer so I can watch a video on one and surf the net or type on the other.   
 I am allowed smokes on special occasions.  Which isn't that often.  I can take them or leave them.  It drives people crazy that I don't  get addicted.  
 I took this out on the back porch. It's screened in to keep the bugs away. You can kind of see the pool.  During the summer we float around all day.  We like to get drinks from Sonic and put a little liquor in them.  I like Hogs Head vodka and Head likes Coconut rum.

 Markers I use for my sketching.
 A street in the neighborhood. I took this on my morning walk.

 Also on my morning walk.  I listen to books on tape. I have to carry a piece of broom stick with me to beat the housewives off my goodies.  

I like this tree, don't you?

When we run out of vodka, I like bourbon...and brandy.   I also like craft beers, like that IPA in the picture.  Head likes hard cider.  I am in the local home-brew club.  The Knights of the Brown bottle.  There is local home brew store called Dr. Jekyle's.  We have the meetings at his store.  Everyone brings their brew or buys some to share.  Then we walk around drinking each other's beers.  I have to get a ride to and from the meetings.  I have made three batches of home made beer.  A chemist at my work who lives a block over also brews. His family is from Belgium and he likes beer and french fries (they dip them in mayo). Living in Texas, he has developed a tolerance for hot peppers.  We are always trading beers and hot sauce. In fact, I took him some this morning and he said it was ALMOST hot enough.

 Hey, who's that beauty by the pool?
 This is Pinto's sister. Head's sister has the mom.  Head's mom took this dog and her brother took the other pup.  All three pups in the litter stayed in the family.  I think there was more than one daddy.

 This is our other dog. Holly. She will chase sticks forever. 

 I like to wear my pants in the European style, high and tight!

 We hang out on the porch a lot.  I have a Tiki bar over in the corner.  

In this picture you can see my grill.  I have it hooked up to the natural gas so I don't have to fuck with propane.  That is my dad's dog.  The last of the three farm dogs.  He had no problem adapting to the house. Imagine that.  He is a hunting fool.  His entire life at the farm, he brought home a dead, sometime live (rabbits and a fawn once), twice a day. A rabbit hid under the car and he chewed the wheel-well to get to it.  My oldest inherited the car, a Camry, tooth marks and all.

 I am glad you remember Mitch.  One hell of a dog.

Tune in tomorrow, I'll throw some more gibberish at you.

Like my grammy use to say; " Don't sweat the small stuff, and don't touch the sweaty stuff!"

Peace out!

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