Sunday, November 4, 2012


I have all day to put together another post for you. If my posts aren't much of an attraction, hopefully they will serve as a distraction...  and no one is forcing you to read.  Like everything else in life, I do what I want. That mean's your free to do what you want.

Sunday is NFL football.  While I am not a rabid fan, I do like having something to do with my oldest boy.  He isn't so much a NFL fan as he is a fantasy league fan.  I have always tried to hang with my boys doing what they like.  First it was Poke'mon cards.  It grew from there.  They play Magic cards together, for about a month now, just the two of them.  I haven't had to participate.   Magic Cards International use to be one of our biggest clients but then one of the employees took a card home and gave it to a friend who gave it to a friend who put it on EBAy and they tracked it back.   The card was't even released yet so it made a big, big deal to them.  They no longer choose to do business with us and employees no longer get to keep discarded items. And we just had these cute hand knitted beanies and I wanted the one that looked like a chimps face.  Damn the luck.

Saturday was College football and it held a unique situation for you.  Whether you know it or not, A&M played Miss St (Hail State).  So either way your team won AND your team lost.  My team won if that tells you anything.

I finally picked up 'Lorax' at the RedBox yesterday.  Head and the youngest watched it.  I kept up with it as I cooked fish tacos (see the food blog for pics).

I really need my weekends to charge my batteries.  Our house is a charging station for your soul.  We don't tolerate any stress or drama around here.  Everyone gets along to get along.  We eat our favorite foods, drink our favorite drinks and just hang out.

The day is over my friend.  I am winding down to go to sleep.  I am finishing a movie I started last week, 'Wite Elephant'.  It hasKevin Bacon with a British/South African accident.

You need to know that if you want to, you can come crash with us.  To re-coop.  To visit.  To look for a new start.  We got your back! I will give up the spair room.  It is my office.  I call it The Tower after Montigne's retreat. He had almost two thousand books.  Almost unheard of in his time. I have over eight thousand Kindle books.  That makes ME smarter I am than he not is, right? Oh, it might help if I read them.

You have a Kindle? If not, a smartphone or computer will also run the Kindle software. It is absolutely, without a doubt, one of the best devices for wht it does.  The most outstanding feature is the e-ink, which is why it lasts more than a month on one charge. It works like an etch-a-sketch.  the page forms and it doesns't require any energy until you turn the page. Genius!

My day was slow.  I had to buy groceries becasue Head did't want to eat roast beef.  She wanted a Italian Sausage sub.  I blame myself.  I showed her the Reddit site called FoodPorn where people put pics of their food.  She saw a meatball sub and that changed the menu.  I worked on my other blog for a couple of hours.  I invited you to visit so I wanted to straighten up the place a little Truth is, I havent' put much time into it.  So , I did today.  I was so proud I showed it to Head.  She had never read it before.  She got a kick out of it, everything but my picture.  I got worse, brother, belive it.  And that's with my clothes on.  I am not what you'd call 'man pretty'. But I r good at thinking, reall good.

I got my Boys to go out for a wolk around the neighborhood.  We live in a 1970's neighborhood.  Mostly old people now.  Scooting around in their golf carts.  Their is a countyr club the development was build around. There is also a neighborhood park, with a community pool, tennis courts, rec center, elementry, and two churches. We took our walk up by the park.  Me and the oldest talked and the youngest walked on ahead withhis headphones on.  He is going through a phase.  He wasn't mad.  Like I said, we all do what we want, just enjoying being together.

We ate.  Watched Pittsburg take the game from New York. Mmmm, that's about it.

Me and Head did talk about you.  We want to make sure you have somewhere to go.  Here is fine.  Plenty of room.  Not to worry about that now.  You get through the day.  figure things out but keep us in mind.  I wouldn't mind giving up my battle station, I'll just move in the lab.  I will have to do a blog and show it off to you.  Like the song says, '...some things on under heaven are cooler than hell.' That's from Ray Wylie Hubbard.  My lab is too cool.  

Let me go add some pics of those subs...

 Nope. Not a sub.  Last night's fish taco.

 Last night's stacked enchilada, with an egg on top. New Mexican style!

 Avocado tostado.  Some call it a chalupa. Some are stupid.

 I would never buy these. My brother passed these down.  However, I will wear anything with A&M on it.


   Not a sub.  Head's dog.  its perched on her lap, where else?

 Here come the subs!
 My youngest is going through a pickle/eat everything stage.  His brother says he's pregnant and will be eating dirt any day now.

 Head's creation.  Provolone cheese.  Italian sausage.  Vodka sauce.  Yellow peppers and onions.

Mine has pepperoni, pastrami, provolone, with all the fixin's.  Mmmmmm!

Mine folded.    Those are jalapeno kettle chips, yes sir.  

The oldest boy is sick of me taking pictures of his food. Fuck him.  I have to go catch the Cowboy's kickoff. C-ya!

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