Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Lonely Place to Die (2011)

A group of five mountaineers are hiking and climbing in the Scottish Highlands when they discover a young Serbian girl buried in a small chamber in the wilderness. They become caught up in a terrifying game of cat and mouse with the kidnappers as they try to get the girl to safety. 

Howdy, Mo' Fucker! Let's laugh at an album cover...

Silly Hillbilly!

It's great weather...but just wait, it will change.  This is a pic from the balcony off our room.

We had steak tacos, tostados, and queso.  I cooked out on the patio.  I sip beer and throw the stick for the dog while I cook.  A word about the hot sauce. Homemade. That's the word.  I make it in a blender, with three habenros and one jalapeno.  Spicy.  A guy at work and his wife, I've mentioned them, Kelly and Melina, dig it. He brought me two really nice beers so I wan to give him something back.  I will take him the salsa and a really nice Honey Nut beer I enjoyed over the weekend.  I put more pics of the meal on my food blog.

Head had me sign a Christmas card for someone, can you guess you?  Oops.  I put a travel drive in with some Avett brother's songs.  Enjoy.

MMMM, what do I want you to know?  I guess I can go trolling my pics for something to talk about. 

A family history lesson, January 2005.

Head's sister and bro in law, Eddie.  This is a fire pit my parent's built on the property.

Meet Pete. He was on TV on morning, up for adoption.  Good thing he came from a no kill shelter cuz he went back there.  He tried to bite the youngest and that is an automatic vote off the island.

My parent's didn't go for four wheelers, they always had golf carts.  Pretty damn handy for going all over the fifty acres. 

I bought the boys a little motorcycle.  The eldest was too big for it when we bought it.  

My two mares.  Big Girl on the left and Wendy on the right.  Traded my suburban for Big Girl.  She was an expensive quarter horse.  I think I mentioned she bucked me off almost every time. I got Wendy as a colt when I bought my riding horse.  I did the horse-whisper thing with her and broke her for riding.  

Our niece   She is a full grown woman now.  One hell of an athlete, vollyball and softball.

My parent's built a small house.  Two bedrooms but a porch all the way around and every room opened out onto the porch.  My Dad had to have a coffee bar separate from the kitchen. 

The eldest and my Dad's dog Butch.  He moved with them to Austin.  He had to be put down the weekend after thanksgiving, renal failure. 

Head, deep in thought.

The porch I mentioned.  We piss, shoot and shoot while we're pissing off it.  The country is great!

Timmy and Tommy bought a moped.
They both said that it was highly energy efficient...
until a lady in a Cadillac smashed them up!
Timmy and Tommy's funeral limousine, burned up a whole lot of premium gasoline....

My parents gave me the blue one.  I have it in the garage.  Rode it to work for a year but then they changed the law and I have to get me a real motorcycle license to ride it.

The youngest still drives the Toyota Corolla in this picture.

This is Head's Bowling for Bibles night.  She was youth minister at the church.  

The kids really connected with her.  One girl is following in her footsteps, the one that made the cross for her that she has on her facebook page.

We still bowl as a family.  Did it every week when we were stranded in New Orleans.  I found a ball that fit in the trash (you should have seem me trying to get the ball and a pressure cooker home on the scooter).  For birthday last year I got a bag to put it in and my own shoes.  I look like a pr-fessional.

Okay, Machen History 2005 is over.  Nice to have shared.  

We need to get to the Tao now....

Chapter 39
Those that attained oneness since ancient times:
The sky attained oneness and thus clarity
The earth attained oneness and thus tranquility
The gods attained oneness and thus divinity
The valley attained oneness and thus abundance
The myriad things attained oneness and thus life
The rulers attained oneness and became the standard for the world
These all emerged from oneness
The sky, lacking clarity, would break apart
The earth, lacking tranquility, would erupt
The gods, lacking divinity, would vanish
The valley, lacking abundance, would wither
Myriad things, lacking life, would be extinct
The rulers, lacking standard, would be toppled
Therefore, the honored uses the lowly as basis
The higher uses the lower as foundation
Thus the rulers call themselves alone, bereft, and unworthy
Is this not using the lowly as basis? Is it not so?
Therefore, the ultimate honor is no honor
Do not wish to be shiny like jade
Be dull like rocks

My mantra for the day was to 'be dull like rocks'. It's about giving up the ego.  Not having an agenda.  Just trying to be benevolent and virtuous. I try to not take slight at every little thing at work.  I don't want to let anyone have the power to jerk my emotions around.  Easier said than done.  This chapter encourages me, you, whoever, to keep a clear head and things will move forward as they should, always for the better.  At least better than if we, you , I try and force things.  I'm a lazy mo' fo' so this speaks to me, I will let it go like a hot fucking rock.

Be dull like rocks, my friend.

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