Sunday, December 23, 2012


A clash of clans that evoked great passion, vengeance, courage, sacrifice, crimes and accusations, which changed the families and the history of the region forever. The Hatfield-McCoy saga begins with 'Devil' Anse Hatfield and Randall McCoy. Close friends and comrades until near the end of the Civil War, they return to their neighboring homes - Hatfield in West Virginia, McCoy just across the Tug River border in Kentucky - to increasing tensions, misunderstandings and resentments that soon explode into all-out warfare between the families. As hostilities grow, friends, neighbors and outside forces join the fight, bringing the two states to the brink of another Civil War. 

My eldest got his first real LP for Christmas.  Now he has to buy a turntabel, a receiver..that is an expensive gift.


When I was little, and she was so big....I still remember....

I have family pics.  My side came for an early Christmas.

My mother bought these stickers to identify our drinks.  We demonstrated our creativity. Mine rocks.

My mother worked hard to make lemon curd tarts.  I didn't get one. Not that I don't like lemon...

My mother bought the box of chocolates just to taste the salty caramel   It's up t me to eat the rest.  The purple cupcakes are store bought for the oldest nieces second birthday.  Kid food. Mos to of the

The grapes were left over form Head's work party.  The olives were a gift from her friend at work.  The popcorn is a mix of caramel and cheese.  My mom said it is made special.  I say they just swept the floor at the end of the day and bagged it.

The youngest made the queso dip.  Head just had to get 'festive chips' for my mother.  What's wrong with plain? The green ones give testicular cancer, the green ones give breast cancer.  We are all doomed.

We started the buffet table when my brother was pre-school.  They told him Christmas as a celebration of the birthday of Jesus.  So, we had a birthday party that year and every year since.

My parent's brought Elgin sausage.  Elgin is a small town, known for making sausage, and it is great.  I actually worked for a family who owned a BBQ joint in College Station that sold Elgin sausage.  I'd go in on Wednesdays to let them go home early and enough for the rest of the week.

I made four different kinds of hot sauce, most of it too hot to eat.

Dippin sauces for the sausage.  I like to use my shot glasses to serve it.

I put little smoked sausages in yeast dough and baked them off.   man, they were a hit.  Maximum enjoyment, minimum effort.  On the right are three kinds of tamales.  Pork, spicy chicken, and cream cheese.  Cream cheese with a roasted pepper.

Time to pass out the presents.

Rod and Rhonda.

Holly, she has a name to match the holidays.

 Seen my camel...yii yii yii....

My whole family likes silly hats.

...and silly shoes...

My new KitchenAid. My mother spoiled me.

This is a grease saver that I plan on using for my backpacking mess kit.

I needed a basic DVD for the lab, I have lots of recorded DVDs and nothing to play them with.
Now I have something.

The book on the left is from my brother.  Its about what soldiers carred during the Vietnam war. The book on the right is from the Luddites.

My dad knows what I like.

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