Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Checkered Demon

A portly, shirtless being generally seen wearing checkered pants, the Demon is Wilson's hero (sometimes anti-hero), and is frequently called upon to kill the various demented bikers, pirates, and rapists who populate Wilson's universe. The Demon is unbeatable in combat, but prefers to copulate with rapacious women—such as Star-Eyed Stella, Ruby the Dyke, or Lady Coozette—or to sit around drinking Tree Frog beer. He has no concern for human life. Although the Demon is generally shown as having red skin and black and white checkered pants in color illustrations, Wilson has claimed that the character can actually make himself any color. He generally turns green on Saint Patrick's Day.[2]

Gotta have that album cover:

Tonight was my work Xmas party. Believe it or not, my morning walk and the party had something in common:

Talk about your confused family. Texas, A&M, and TCU...all living under one roof.

But who does look good in the morning.


I like this house.  Small but classy.

The country club.

The next pic is the street leading to our house.

This lady gets a lot of business...

So, I picked up a sixer of Mickey Big Mouth and H had some Dox XX.  Then we went ot the party. Typical.  chicken or roast. Good but not great.  One ticket each for the cash bar. I had more than enough.  When I got up to sit on Santa and get my stocking, the crowd started chanting 'Government Cheese', my rapper name. I'm well known locally.  I hobbed and I knobbed until Santa and H gave me the stank-eye.

Home save and sound with a hundred dollar bonus.  My son will get five hundred. Sad, don't you think? Not really, the way I look at it, I work for my paycheck and anything else is gravy.

TAO time:

Chapter 35
Hold the great image
All under heaven will come
They come without harm, in harmonious peace
Music and food, passing travelers stop
The Tao that is spoken out of the mouth
Is bland and without flavor
Look at it, it cannot be seen
Listen to it, it cannot be heard
Use it, it cannot be exhausted

Hold the great image. Words to live by.

Be good to yourself.  

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