Me: about what you would expect from an American Movie made in Serbia. Poor dubbing over the voices of the actors who aren't American. The American actors are the stars, yo have seen them, but they are never the stars in strictly American movies.
I just noticed the blog I thought I had sent Thursday night, didn't go ( Avett Brothers).
Well, ever forward.
I could use an album cover about now....
I feel like I am on the set of 'Andy Griffith' or 'Deliverance', ever since the eldest started learning the banjo. He asked for it as his big Christmas gift. He had to pick his own or it wasn't going to work out. He did. It came, only he is playing with it, not actually playing yet. H is pissed that he didn't wait but we decided to let it go. He is obsessed with it, so don't spoil the true purpose of the gift. that is to make him happy. Let him enjoy it. So the youngest dusted off his guitars, hes' gotten one for each of the past two Christmases. He isn't a driven person so he just piddles with his. He has taken one class down at the recreational center. Maybe seeing his brother's progress will inspire him...or not.
We talk about the 10,000 hours around here. Do you know where that comes from? 'From the book 'Outliers' by Malcolm Gladwell. Malcolm studied success and found that regardless of initial, natural-born talent, it is time spent actively practicing, trying hard to get better, that makes someone an expert. And to be a true expert and anything, it takes about 10,000 hours. So when we do something we're not good at, like schoolwork, we call it putting in the 10,000.
I did some of that myself yesterday. I took the day off from work. To celebrate H's birthday a little longer. I spent most of the day sketching. I practiced with ink wash. We dust did the family thing. H and I go out to buy a new clothes washer. Ours puked. So we went to the Sears scratch-and-dent outlet and picked up a good deal. We pay cash for everything except the house and car (her's not mine). Living off the credit grid has drawbacks, we don't have credit cards so we cant use credit. But once you've gone off the reservation, you no longer have to buy service contracts for things, they either work or they don't. Without the finance charges and protection plans (they wanted $250 for a washer I was paying $500 for) you can afford to replace it outright if it goes tits up.
So, I have to go pick that up this morning. In with the new, out with the old. I need to drop the old one off at Goodwill. That and a TV that went out. Its a big 50+ inc-her We're using the other 50 inch er my parents gave my son. He wasn't using it. He has multiple monitors on his computer remember its called a battle station, so he watches whatever on one and plays whatever on the other.
We have do do chores today. I'm going to get The Tower in order so it can be my parent's guestroom. The youngest moves downstairs to share his brothers room, giving his room to my brother and his family. They all show up Friday to celebrate Christmas early. We were hoping our gift would be to not have to entertain my brother and his family.
...Went down for more coffee and H had me log her onto my other blog to cull pictures..."a woman doesn't want anyone to see pictures of her without her makeup." Sorry about that.
I think there might be some leftover roast beef and potatoes for some hash for brunch.....
My humble kitchen. I like that it has two ovens and a real exhaust vent, not just a filtered one, over the stove. I try and cook the really offensive stuff outside on the porch. I converted the grill from propane to natural gas. It's amazing the tings you can learn how to do on YouTube.
Here's looking at yo kid from the other direction. I tried to avoid getting the oldest's electronics project he has spread out all over the dining room table. See my little bread maker there by the refrigerator? I have the bread cart fully stocked and I can rock out some goodies, I guarantee it. The bread-maker is more for making dough. I have a generic recipe for yeast dough to make rolls, cinnamon rolls, and pigs in a blanket. The other kind of dough I make is pizza dough. Notice the angle Food cake, I made it for my Angel for her birthday. Vanilla caramel butter icing and decorated with blackberries.
A less obstructed view of the kitchen.
To my right is the real dining room which we use as an office for the youngest and Head. Looks like someone is on a World of Warcraft quest. Nerd.
Okay, introduction complete. Now for some hash. I take a big of potatoes and roast them with olive oil and kosher salt in a broiler pan. Taters have to be cooked to be edible. So I just bake the whole bag. Head likes baked potatoes for lunch. The boys like potato and egg tacos. I will eat one sliced, cold with mayo for an appetizer. You can also make potato salad in a jiffy if the potatoes are already cooked. And I like the way roasted potatoes taste, sweeter.
Put the meat and bell pepper and onion back in with the potatoes after you drain the canola oil.
This is H's spinach omelet.
Look at the youngest's plate. The omelet was too big so H shared it with him.
Mine! Mine all mine! Only somethings missing...
A hearty brunch, wouldn't you agree?
Let's get this out there. Here are some picture paper shots from the back porch.

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