Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Dunwich Horror (2009)

In Louisiana, the thirty-five year old single mother Lavina delivers a baby boy and a monster in the evil Whateley House. Ten years later, Dr. Henry Armitage and his assistant Professor Fay Morgan discover that the page 751 of every copy of the Necronomicon is missing and The Black Brotherhood has summoned the gate keeper Yog Sothoth to leave the portal opened to the demons and ancient gods. They invite the arrogant and skeptical Professor Walter Rice that can translate the Necronomicon to help them to seek the book. Meanwhile Lavina's son Wilbur Whateley ages very fast and seeks the missing page to open the portal.

This movie reminds me of something you would see at a local film festival (and I am not talking about Sundance or Canne).

It is one of the worst Lovecraft attempts to date. Dean Stockwell is wasted. Combs is passable... but also wasted (not that Combs ever really raises the bar of what he is a part of). The acting is all bottom of the barrel. The editing, direction and effects are horrible.

If I had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for something positive to mention, it would have to be the sets and locations. Those were well chosen.

I rarely say that a film is so devoid of merit as to deem it a complete waste of time and money, but this is one of those rare films. Save your time and money. You will just be sad you squandered them watching this trash.

However, if you like B-level schlock for the sake of a good laugh... you might be able to suspend disbelief long enough to laugh at this. But... even that would be a stretch. It is as unwatchable as movies come.

I found just a couple of more LP covers to finish out the series...

I have found a new series to replace the album covers...

Say 'Cheese'!

It is selven in the morning, looking forward to a long Holiday weekend.  Today, Head is going to her brother's to see her parents and the new baby.  Remember the Sienfield episode, 'You have to see the baby!'.

I am taking a vacation day Monday so we can all go out the her brother's and stay for New Years.  It has become something of a tradition.  They say if an Aggie does something twice, its a tradition.  Her brother's job keeps him in town over the holiday, and my eldest works for the same company.  The majority of the liquor is sold this time of year.  Most of the 7-Up is sold around this time too, FYI.

I am watching a video I picked up at RedBox, sketching a little, writing a little.  I have a couple of works of fiction going. I cheat and make them semi-autobiographical.  Not really true but a grain of real-life in there somewhere.

I made the decision years ago to live in my mind.  Rather, to go back to living in my  mind.  Growing up, an only child, I made up my own adventures.  Now that I'm older, I'm back to pretending as much as I did then.  I like living in my head, there is lots of room in there.  

I am what you would call a 'home body'.  I love being at home, piddeling with my stuff.  I would die happy if I never bought another thing but made use of all the things I've accumulated to date.  I have lots of pens, pencils, and paints to draw with.  Plenty of journals and drawing tablets to draw and write in.  And then there is always the computer, infinite space to put my crazy ideas in.  Pictures.  You can tell I like pictures and if I were to get into video,  I would be truly unstoppable.  I could pour out all my silliness.  The best part, the absolute best part is I don't give two shits if anybody ever reads what I write or looks at what I draw.  You see, I do it for myself.  Bottom line, I live for myself. Totally self serving. 

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