Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Savages (2012)

Entrepreneurs Ben, a peaceful and charitable marijuana producer, and friend Chon, a former Navy SEAL, run a lucrative, homegrown industry - raising some of the best weed ever developed. They also share a one-of-a-kind love with Ophelia. Life is idyllic in their Southern California town... until the Mexican Baja Cartel decides to move in and demands that the trio partners with them. When the merciless head of the BC, Elena and her enforcer, Lado, underestimate the unbreakable bond of the three friends, Ben and Chon - with the reluctant assistance of a dirty DEA agent - wage a seemingly unwinnable war against the cartel. And so begins a series of increasingly vicious ploys and maneuvers in a high stakes, savage battle of wills. 

Picked this beauty up at the RedBox.  I get the recent hits at the RedBox.  The only chance the torrents will bet attention of the courts is to steal a current hit.  Only movies in the theaters have lawyers.

Let's see a funny album cover.

Out of album covers.  Need to find a new series for my blog.  

I posted this mornings festivities on my other blog.  Go there and see.  

It's a gawd damn shame, dressing a dog....

It started raining then sleet, then snow. It is a white Christmas.  

Don't eat the yellow snow...

Don't you dear throw that...

Five pounds of great mashed potatoes.

Head's folks shipped us the steaks.

Head thinks it's so funny it makes her piss stink.  She just laughs.

Shrimp two ways, in garlic butter and with avocado cocktail sauce.

Don't you like wedge salad? Bacon, cheese, iceberg.  I added avocado and tomatoes.

We watched NBA basketball and visited, the boy's came and went to play their video games.  

Head said what made the day for her was not having to entertain or travel to be entertained.  She has spent the day on her computer and phone, social networking. It is how she ...how she exists.  The boys, they exist with their video games and texts.  Me, I have my movies, books, and journals.  We all are comfort junkies, looking or a warm place to shit and shoes that fit. Unfortunately,...or fortunately, depends on how you look at it, that's all their there is.  I

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